Opening Multiple WebStorm Projects From MacOS Terminal

If your an advanced WebStorm user you’ve probably noticed the limitations of WebStorm’s shell tools. One glaring example is the inability to open a project with the webstorm ~/path/to/project command if there is already an project open in WebStorm. Instead of creating a new window with a WebStorm instance like one would expect, the user is simply navigated to the project WebStorm already has open. To implement a more robust solution than WebStorm’s own shell tools have to offer, a bit of extra script must be introduced to the terminal’s environment. »

Running npm Scripts Containing Bash On Windows

You may at some point find yourself using a Windows machine and needing to run an npm script that uses Bash. Typically, this would cause instant errors. Fortunately, though, there is a simple solution to this dilemma. Here’s an example of an npm script that will fail on Windows: { "name": “something”, "version": "0.0.0", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { “show-directory-contents”: “ls -a -t” }, … In order to run npm scripts like this, we need to do two simple things. »

Christianity’s Vanishing Act

According to a sweeping survey conducted by the Pew Research Foundation, the Christian population in America is sick, in fact, it’s dying. With such dire numbers, many are wondering if there is any hope for a revival in Christian America’s population. This paper will explore the statistics provided by the Pew Research Foundation and what they mean for America’s religious landscape. Then, a few of the reason’s for why there is such a massive change in the number of Christians in America will be looked at. »

Symbolism In Christianity

Symbolism is ubiquitous in religion. Taoism has the simple, yet profound, Taijitu, Buddhism holds dear the Wheel of Dharma, Satanism is represented in the cryptic Sigil of Baphomet, and Christians around the world look to the symbol of the cross. Christianity in particular is full of symbolism, giving it a mystical quality. Symbols that many Christians take for granted, like a cross on top of a steeple, have deep meaning that originated millennia ago. »

The Quintessential Values of the Roman Republic

This post will point out some of the quintessential values that existed in the Roman Republic and expound on how those values worked together to define the Republic. This post will also explain how these defining values demonstrated what Romans were supposed to care about and conform to. The reference for quintessential values in the Roman Republic this article uses will be the mos maiorum. The mos maiorum was a collective of principles, behaviors, and social practices that affected the lives of individuals and society as a whole in the Roman Republic. »