Opening Multiple WebStorm Projects From MacOS Terminal

If your an advanced WebStorm user you’ve probably noticed the limitations of WebStorm’s shell tools. One glaring example is the inability to open a project with the webstorm ~/path/to/project command if there is already an project open in WebStorm. Instead of creating a new window with a WebStorm instance like one would expect, the user is simply navigated to the project WebStorm already has open. To implement a more robust solution than WebStorm’s own shell tools have to offer, a bit of extra script must be introduced to the terminal’s environment. »

Running npm Scripts Containing Bash On Windows

You may at some point find yourself using a Windows machine and needing to run an npm script that uses Bash. Typically, this would cause instant errors. Fortunately, though, there is a simple solution to this dilemma. Here’s an example of an npm script that will fail on Windows: { "name": “something”, "version": "0.0.0", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { “show-directory-contents”: “ls -a -t” }, … In order to run npm scripts like this, we need to do two simple things. »